29 February 2012

A Vintage Nebraska DIY Wedding by Wyn Wiley Photography

What's not to love about this wedding? It's unique and it's all about the couple. Every detail was either passed down through family or hand-crafted by the couple and their families. Their whole wedding cost  under $5,000.00! Can you believe that? The bride wore her mother's wedding dress, who looked absolutely amazing in it. Invitations were self-made. Wyn Wiley Photography did a great job capturing all the special moments of this wedding. Thank you, Wyn, for sharing it with me :)

Describe the feel you felt when you saw each other for the first time on your wedding day:


GroomWho's the lucky son of a gun who gets to marry that 1/4th Lebanese firecracker? *pinches self*

What were your favorites moments?
Bride: Crying with him during the ceremony vows. 

Groom: Probably crying together in front of all our friends and family, but for the sake of not being redundant, I'll say singing "Come Thou Fount" together and pretending to sign a marriage certificate, but actually writing notes on the back of it.

Any traditions or unique moments?
Bride: I was in a sorority, and it was wonderful having my Sisters there to surround me and sing a few traditional Chi Omega wedding songs! Marc was in an a capella group, and they performed for everyone before the bouquet toss.

What advice can you give to couples planning their wedding?
If someone tells you that you can't do a wedding on a budget, they're trying to get something from you. The truth is, our wedding cost us under $5,000, and it was exactly what we'd hoped it would be. I had to make a lot of difficult decisions, though, and that included not being able to invite all of my sorority sisters. But in the end, the celebration was intimate and all the more special because the people that were MOST important to us got to be there. Instead of an expensive catered dinner, we chose to have an evening wedding and do drinks and desserts. We chose a venue that would allow us to bring our own food, and with the money we saved on that category, we were able to provide free beer and wine for our guests! Marc and I had been dating since high school, and we were ready to make the next step. Yes, we're still college students, and yes, the money is tight, and yes, it is stressful planning a wedding in six months, but it was all worth it because we knew we wanted to spend our lives together! When you have less time to plan a wedding, you can't be all perfectionistic about it. You have to make quick decisions and hope that they work out. You have to decide early, also, what's important to you. We were able to spend so little on our wedding because we have so many talented friends. Our musicians were Music majors, and my film major friend did our video for free. We used an ipod to save space and money on a DJ, and guests could choose the music they wanted. The decorations were hand-crafted by myself and my husband's Art major sister, with help from the bridesmaids. The thing is, don't be tricked into thinking that you have to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a wedding. Do you NEED a flower girl, a toss bouquet, or a designer dress? If you have the money, spend it on the honeymoon instead. I promise you'll remember it more fondly. :)

Photography: Wyn Wiley Photography // Ceremony Venue: Redeemer PCA // Reception Venue: The Apothecary // Videographer: Katie Williams // Florist: Hy Vee Floral // Cupcakes: Jordan Faeh // Make-up: Self // Wedding Dress: Belonged to Bride's Mother // Wedding Shoes: Touch-Ups from Zappos // Jewelry: Banana Republic // Bridesmaids dresses: varying vendors, including ModCloth & Neiman Marcus // Groom's Tux: Valentino from Ideeli // Invitations: Self designed and printed; paper from Paper Source // Rentals (Linens, wine glasses, & champagne flutes): AAA Rents 

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