From the bride: Our wedding day came and went so fast! We had a vintage style wedding at French Creek Estates in Snohomish, WA. We had a vintage car take us from our venue to our hotel, after the wedding. Our colors were gray, peach and ivory. One of my favorite moments was walking down the aisle to my future husband; the look on his face was priceless and assured me of much he loved me. Instead of the traditional sand/candle unity ceremony, we did a wine box ceremony. Wine Ceremony: 1.) A nice wooden box 2.) A bottle of wine 3.) 2 wine glasses 4.) Letters from one another telling each other why you fell in love and to talk about the events that took place up to your wedding day. You can't show the letters to one another. Everything is placed in the box, and nailed shut by the bride and groom. If there ever comes a time in the marriage where you're about to call it quits, you're supposed to open the box, drink the wine and read the letters to each other, in hopes of bringing you back together. Otherwise, wait until your 25th wedding anniversary and celebrate! Some funny moments: One of the bridesmaids dropped her earring down the sink and all the groomsmen were in the bathroom, taking the sink apart to get her jewelry. During the ring exchange, my husband's hands had swollen up so much from nerves and the heat that I couldn't get his ring on, so I tried licking his finger to slip it on! Success, it worked! But then his finger started swelling up even more and we almost couldn't get it off. His finger stayed swollen for almost 2 weeks! My favorite part of my wedding day was being announced as Mrs. Anson and the best man speech. I have never laughed so hard in my entire life. It was by far, hands down the funniest moment of the wedding.
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Cake Designer:
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