01 January 2013

Happy 2013!!

Happy New Year, friends! I wasn't planning on writing a post today but this pregnancy has me laying down with my back on a heating pad (and boy does it feel good!). I wanted to use this post to reflect back on 2012 and my hopes for 2013. While I am normally big on writing down my goals, I did not do that this year. The reason being that time simply flew by so quickly that I never set aside time to do that and with the twins on the way, that's really the only thing I've been thinking about (just a couple more months and they'll be here). And another reason is that all the goals I had lined up in my head, have to be put on a temporary hold until I figure out this thing called "motherhood". In 2012 I told myself that in 2013 I want to put together 2-3 inspirational wedding shoots - I'll be lucky if I can do one this year. In 2012 I told myself that in 2013 I want to *possibly* put together a workshop/styled shoot for wedding photographers - that will most likely happen in 2014/2015. I guess the great thing is that I'll have more time to plan these "events" to perfection.

LM's first styled shoot
LM's first styled shoot
2012 was a great year for LM. We celebrated our one-year blogiversary back in October! Our traffic increased dramatically since our launch in 2010. We've had increases in other areas such as our Facebook fans and Pinterest followers. I put together LM's first styled shoot, which went great but was a learning experience. I think the most important thing that happened were the relationships I've formed with so many wedding photographers from all over the world. I launched a group on FB for wedding photographers to connect and share their knowledge with one another. One thing I am looking forward to the most in 2013 is continuing to grow these relationships.

I want 2013 to be all about personal growth and relationships. I feel that the only way this blog can get better is if I continue to grow and get better at what I do. With twin babies on the way, I'm not sure that I'll be blogging full-time.. at least not until I get a schedule underway and learn how to be a first-time mommy to two boys :) But I'll do my best to continue sharing inspiration from all over the world.

I'm looking forward to a great 2013!
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