14 November 2013


A note from the editor: This year was such an incredible year with the features we published. Every single time I get an amazing submission, I can't help but feel humbled. I started this blog in 2011 because I wanted to combine my love for weddings and great photography all in one place. I launched this blog in 3 weeks and it's grown like crazy ever since then. Over the last 2+ years, I've gotten to know some of the most talented photographers from all.over.the.world... and I am so blessed by friendships. This blog would not be where it is today without the photographers who believe in this blog. 

Photographers, thank you so much for letting me share your work with readers from all over the world.

To the couples we feature: thank you for sharing your love stories with us (and picking some darn amazing photographers to capture those special moments in your life!)

Thank you to our readers who share the same love for wedding photography and wedding inspiration that we do. Thank you to the people who take the time to leave a sweet word or two on our posts. A huge thank you to our contributor, Irina Francis of Lacielle Roselle.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I now present you with Le Magnifique Blog's 2013 Top 15!

// Laura Goldenberger Photography
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Nature always inspires me. I'm happiest when I'm exploring and discovering new places. Deserts, mountains, oceans, forests..there are endless possibilities! Music also keeps me inspired. Everything from Lana Del Ray to Otis Redding. Anything with real soul. I can't get enough. An imaginative film, book, photograph or painting will also get me daydreaming.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? I can best explain this in someone else's words: “When people look at my pictures, I want them to feel the way they do when they want to reread a line of a poem.”- Robert Frank. The feeling of rereading a line of a poem so perfectly encompasses the feeling I want most when people receive my work. That is so rewarding. I also can't tell you how much it means to me to be trusted to document people's happiest moments in this life. To beautifully tell a couple's love story is a dream.

WHEN YOU'RE NOT SHOOTING, YOU ARE: Hiking on a trail with my boyfriend and our pups, traveling and exploring, getting the hang of yoga, relaxing on the beach, learning how to cook, dancing around the house with my cousin, scouring flea markets, watching movies and drinking wine on our roof.

FIVE RANDOM THINGS: I live in a cabin in the woods // I grew up in a small town called North Bend in Washington State // I'm a Vegetarian // I have two Boston Terriers named Blueberry Valentine and Honey Bear Bowie. They are both rescues and are the sunshine in my life! // One of my favorite experiences was swimming with seals while free diving.

Laura Goldenberger
Located in Los Angeles, CA
- available for travel -


// Sun & Sparrow Photography
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? We are completely and utterly inspired by unique and personal LOVE STORIES! Each person has an awesome story to tell and we are always excited to share it through our photography. In the midst of each unique love story, we are completely inspired when clients have a vision, incorporating props and rustic details to their shoot.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? Ellie and I both agree that the best part about our job is supporting so many beautiful relationships. Marriage is a powerful statement to the world that we make toward commitment and love. It's one of the most fulfilling and rewarding parts of life, and is the best part about our jobs!

When we are not shooting or editing, we love to spend time at home with our families and close friends. Both of us are home-bodies and love sitting by the fire with a cup of coffee and discussing matters of the heart.

We are sisters, we have a love/hate relationship, but photography makes us LOVE each other more // We are both quirky and silly, but it our silliness comes out in full force when we are shooting // We are both obsessed with coffee // Photography is our passion, but we secretly love to style & decorate everything we can! // Sharing love, in behind the camera and beyond is the best part about being in this business.

Tiffani & Ellie
Located in Los Angeles, CA
- available for travel -

// Danielle Capito Photography 
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? The sunlight inspires me. The way it sparkles through trees, glows behind couples heads, and adds that touch of softness to pictures inspires how I shoot. When the sun is out, you know it's going to be a good day of shooting!

I love that I get to meet new and awesome people, and share what I love to do with them. It's a great feeling knowing a couple picked me and loves my pictures as much as I do.

When I'm not out photographing, you'll find me thrift store and antique shopping, catching up on my TV shows, hanging out with my boyfriend Adam and our mini Goldendoodle Sawyer, or putting together my next inspiration shoot!

I love wearing super comfy, extra fluffy socks // I grew up going to garage sales & thrift stores with my mom, so I'm pretty good at finding a bargain // My weakness is peanut butter chocolate Talenti ice cream // I'm an only child // My boyfriend and I are high school sweethearts.

 Danielle Capito
Located in San Luis Obispo, CA
- available for travel -

// Shannon Morse Photography
 WHAT INSPIRES YOU? My family, charming historic houses, gorgeous scenery, pretty floral prints, delicious foods... This world is an amazing & inspirational place and I'm so thankful I'm able to explore & experience it.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? I feel honored to capture photos that will be cherished for years to come because I know my own family photos are priceless to me.

Enjoying time with my family/friends, watching Downton Abbey, poking through antique stores, planning trips around the world (and going on them!), playing Settlers of Catan.

I was featured on an episode of House Hunters last year after buying my first house, every once in a while you might catch me on a re-run! // I am a proud aunt to the cutest 1 year old niece ever! // I drink more English breakfast tea than anyone I know // I have lived in the same small Northern California town my whole life // I've been told by friends that I was born in the wrong era because of how much I love history and antiques.

Shannon Morse
Located in Dixon, CA
- available for travel -

 // Jeremy Chou Photography
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? I'm inspired by many different things in life. I'm inspired by genuine love I feel when I photograph my couples. I am inspired by how we interact with the environment to tell a more compelling story. I am mostly inspired by my children and my wife, who motivate me to try harder every single day.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? I love the fact that I get to be with a couple on one of the most important day of their lives. And that I capture stories that will be told for generations to come. Oh, and getting to travel to shoot weddings all over the world is a pretty sweet bonus, too. :-)

When I'm not shooting, I am spending time with my wife and my two girls. We hang out at museums and drive-in movies!

I was a child star in Taiwan. I starred in several commercials and TV shows. Who knew, huh? // I am allergic to shell fish // I still count in Chinese...I think it's stuck with me // I have a twin brother and an older brother who is one year older than us. My poor mom! // My wife and I met as blind date to prom, and we've been together ever since!

 Jeremy Chou
Located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
- available for travel -

// Cristian Ana Photography 
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? The emotions of the persons I take pictures of and the joy I get by getting closer to every one that gets to be on the other side of my camera.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? To get to places I've never been before and to meet new people.This is a blessing.

I'm spending time with my family and together we serve in a wonderful church with some people very dear to me.

I am blessed because I have Jesus in my life and in my family.
Cristian Ana
Located in Deva, Romania
- available for travel in Europe -

// Gavin Wade Photographers
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? As a husband and wife team, we each draw inspiration from different places! I (Gavin) am inspired most by strong editorial work that draws your attention immediately to the subject. I feel that with weddings especially, how you bring someone's attention to a moment you capture truly defines you who are as a creative. For Erin, she is most inspired by nature. Her eye is drawn to how sunlight plays with it's surroundings and it makes her giddy with excitement. So many times we might be out on a walk and she'll say "I wish we had a bride and groom right now, this place is perfect!"

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? We are both extroverts and our passion for photographing weddings stems from the fact we get the privilege of working with amazing couples who are head over heels in love. There is a joy people feel on their wedding day that is unlike any other! We love connecting with our couples and celebrating with them during their day as we capture some of the happiest moments in their lives!
WHEN YOU'RE NOT SHOOTING, YOU ARE: When we are not shooting you will find us out to eat (we love to eat), in the gym, or spending some quality time with our two pups!

FIVE RANDOM THINGS: Gavin: I've moved over 26 times in my life // I love hip hop music // Uber-nerd for all things technology or gadget related // I have a degree in Kinesiology // My favorite tv show is Top Gear (I love cars). Erin: The world stops when Vampire Diaries is on tv // I'm a self-proclaimed yoga fanatic. I go 10-12 times a week. // I make lists for everything...even to make a list. // I always need to have dessert after dinner. // I used to practice massage therapy.

Gavin and Erin Wade
Located in Orange County, CA
- available for travel -

// Candice Benjamin Photography 
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Real laughs, real hugs, soft golden light and people in love. I gain a lot of inspiration from fine art film photographers, but while I'm shooting...I'm always find myself looking for bright, fun, romantic moments between people.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? I would have to say that I L O V E how every day is different and how I get to meet so many amazing, trusting people. One day I will be in my office editing (with Pandora playing a little too loud in the background) and the next day I will be flying to Cancun for a destination wedding or Kentucky for a private tour of Churchill Downs. Sometimes I want to pinch myself just to see if I'm dreaming. For-Reals.

WHEN YOU'RE NOT SHOOTING, YOU ARE: Most likely if I'm not shooting, I'm in my office responding to emails or editing all of the fantastic photos I've been shooting. In my off time...you can find me hanging out with my guy, people watching at Disneyland, or marathoning Netflix TV shows (Star Trek is my current obsession).

FIVE RANDOM THINGS: I'm 6'1 and never played any sports growing up! // I will sing words when I talk to myself // I'm a huge nerd. I love Sci-Fi, science, manga, anime + video games // I took in a stray cat earlier this year and named her Bad Ass Cat // My future husband is 5'6, we have a 6 inch difference and I wouldn't have it any other way! 

Candice Benjamin
Located in Orange County, CA
- available for travel -

// Eyelet Images
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? I am inspired every day by my Heavenly Father. His astounding love and grace can be seen everywhere... in light, in nature, in relationships. He is the ultimate artist, and I owe my vision, passion and entire life to Him!

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? There are so many reasons why I am grateful to be where I am... but what stands apart is the feeling I get when I arrive on the morning of a wedding. The day is like a blank canvas, and I have the chance to paint a beautiful picture moment by moment. And while I adore a gorgeous gown or fresh array of flowers, it's the emotional substance of that day truly gives me a rush. I don't think there is a job in the world I would rather do!

WHEN YOU'RE NOT SHOOTING, YOU ARE: Teaching my baby how to walk, gardening, attempting new recipes, and exploring the outdoors with my husband, Adam!

FIVE RANDOM THINGS: I am both a morning and a night person // I have a sweet baby girl named Brielle // I knew I had met my husband when we were first introduced. Our wedding was exactly one year later! // I dream of photographing weddings all around the world // I alone could keep Trader Joe's in business with my pumpkin bread and dark chocolate espresso bean obsession.
Lindsey Gage
Located in Orange County, CA
- available for travel -

// Lora Grady Photography
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? I'm inspired by all things whimsical, romantic and authentic. I have a never-ending thirst for travel and a curiosity for trying new things. Specifically, I'm inspired by landscapes, watercolor, beautiful paper and people who love wholeheartedly.

Can I just say "everything"...?? It's so hard for me to decide. I love the people I get to meet-- I honestly have the most amazing clients. They are true inspirations to me, with all of their sweetness, humor, and overall genuine zest for love and life. I also love getting to know the crazy, wild-hearted family & friends and other creative wedding vendors. I'm lucky to call many of my past clients and colleagues dear friends. But at the end of the day, I am passionate about telling a couple's love story. Documenting those small but significant moments-- in between the kisses and catching those stolen glances between bride and groom-- just mean the world to me. When the wedding dress is boxed up and the flavor of the cake is forgotten, I want the art I create with my clients to recreate their lovestory over and over again with floods of memories.

WHEN YOU'RE NOT SHOOTING, YOU ARE: Most likely I'm trying a new hole-in-the-wall restaurant with my husband Dan, practicing calligraphy, painting my nails, or making a hand-made something or other. Oh and I could very well be sleeping, I love sleeping.

FIVE RANDOM THINGS: I have a legitimate love for Peanut Butter // I used to think my calling in life was to be a math teacher // My favorite color is white (followed closely by pale gray and blue) // I have a weakness for unique, beautiful, toothsome papers // Being late is my worst fear. So, I'm (obnoxiously) early to e v e r y t h i n g.

Lora Grady
Located in Seattle, WA
- available for travel -

// Jennifer Fujikawa Photography
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Every day life is beyond beautiful. I stand out on the same street corner and look at the sunset and it's never the same twice. Anytime I'm outdoors or on a road trip, I see these gorgeous vast landscapes and I so wish I could just pull over and do a photo shoot!

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? I love how I will never get bored of my job, because no matter how many times I might shoot in the same locations it is always different. I love the challenge of looking for beauty in unsuspecting places. I love working with people, helping them to feel beautiful, and capturing their real emotions.

've recently started gardening and growing my own fruits and veggies. I have a succulent collection that's growing faster than I have space. I also design fun gifts for corgi lovers (you know who you are!) and sell them on my Etsy shop (ThreeCheersForCorgis) to raise money for my future dog ranch! You can say I'm a dreamer, but I'm also a doer! ;)

FIVE RANDOM THINGS: I can make balloon animals // I sometimes wear mismatched socks // I can play the piano, guitar and drums // I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do //. I once picked up a CD case, took the CD out, and put it back in with my FEET.

Jennifer Fujikawa
Located in Los Angeles, CA
- available for travel -

// Laura Gordon Photography
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? I am a hopeless romantic inspired by couples who are head over heels in love. I shoot with great attention to detail and careful observation and I find that everywhere we look, we are surrounded by beauty... and beauty often comes in the simplest forms. I love the "in-between" moments that can easily go unnoticed..

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WHAT YOU DO?For as long as I can remember, I've been a storyteller at heart. I enjoy creating beautiful, genuine images that depict my client's incredible stories. I just love love, love and all the joy it brings. Couples are excited and anxious about their wedding... there are so many emotions and beautiful moments. I love experiencing those moments with so many amazing couples.

WHEN YOU'RE NOT SHOOTING, YOU ARE: When I'm not shooting, you can find me hanging out with friends having dinner at a cute little whole in the wall restaurant or hanging out at home snuggling up with one of my animal babies.

FIVE RANDOM THINGS: I have never had a Starbucks coffee (GASP!!) // I almost always sit indian style // I think ketchup is the grossest thing on the planet // I feel naked if I leave the house without jewelry // All of my pets have middle names.

Laura Gordon
Located in Richmond, VA
- available for travel -

FEATURED: Historical Williamsburg Engagement Session // Sareh Nouri Collection (coming soon)

// Be Light Photography
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? What inspires us the most is the human being, people sharing love, unknown persons in the street, light, nature, great stories, simplicity, all things beautiful and God.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? We love when everything aligns for the perfect shot. We love working with people, seeing them through the camera in that fraction of a second before pushing the button. Those moments are gifts.

WHEN YOU'RE NOT SHOOTING, YOU ARE: Exploring, dreaming, riding our bikes, playing games, reading and writing.

FIVE RANDOM THINGS:  Dragos started photographing because of a note that he received one day at his doorstep, where someone was telling him to buy a camera and gave him the money for it // Laura has a passion for humanitarian work // Dragos has a great talent as a motivational speaker // Laura loves childhood books and plans to write one some day // We had our own wedding last year.

Laura and Dragos Ludusan
Located in Transylvania, Romania
- available for travel -

// Emily Fuselier Photography
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Emily: I believe that love itself is inspiring to do what we do. I believe it is the most thing that I love about this job. Being able to meet such great couples with love in their eyes and a beautiful future they are heading towards and preparing for. Euric: Light. When you see that good warm light around the beautiful earth you just get a little tingly inside because you know you are about to create magic.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? The most things we love best about our job is to be able to meet new people, experience their wedding day with them, and traveling is fun as well! We become such good friends with our clients and building relationships is so important, it allows our clients to have full trust in us to be able to be creative and artistic with them.

WHEN YOU'RE NOT SHOOTING, YOU ARE: When we are not working we are always spending time with our little girl and the rest of our family.
FIVE RANDOM THINGS: Emily: I enjoy working with my husband, I have a huge sweet tooth, I am very girly-girl but love to be as comfortable as possible, I love to travel but I absolutely hate to fly, and all of our family names start with the letter E // Euric:My wife and I are complete opposite, I am named after my uncle, I love bread, I love cold weather...the colder the better, I am sometimes considered a computer geek.

Emily and Euric Fuselier
Located in Lake Charles, LA
- available for travel -

// Alexandra Grace Photography

WHAT INSPIRES YOU? I am inspired by the kind of raw emotion I have the privilege of documenting at weddings and engagement sessions. I thrive off of capturing genuine love between a bride and groom and even find myself tearing up along with the family while the bride walks down the aisle. I aim to glorify God with my work and am inspired by capturing His creation.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? The most exciting part of my job is delivering the images to the happy couple in the form of a custom album. I love seeing the photos in print and hearing feedback that the photos allowed them to relive the day from beginning to end. I also love the feeling I get the night of the wedding when I get home and start to go through the photos, because I get so excited about sharing them with the couple!

WHEN YOU'RE NOT SHOOTING, YOU ARE: Spending time with my husband - cooking and eating crepes, going on a sunset walk, or reading and relaxing.

FIVE RANDOM THINGS: I'm an outgoing introvert // My mom is one of my closest friends // I'm allergic to caffeine // My favorite kind of music is dub-step and electronic dance // I can't touch car doors without getting a painful shock.

Alexandra Laughlin
Located in Corvallis, OR
- available for travel -

The Honorable Mentions on our list this year are photographers who were part of our 2012 list. These are photographers who continued to submit amazing weddings and shoots to us. We've watched them grow over the past year and are so proud of who they've become! 

Codrean Photography // Brett Hickman // Closer to Love Photography // Kristen Booth // Daniel Cruz

How the photographers are selected: For one to be considered for our Top 15 list, one must submit weddings or shoots to us. We take into consideration the number of submissions from one photographer as well the quality of the submission. All the photographers who have been selected are photographers whom are respected among their peers. Photographers must be active in their business. Both in 2012 and 2013, we selected a new group of photographers. Starting next year in 2014, everyone is fair game - so whether you've submitted to us in the past or it's your first time submitting, everyone who submits during the said year will be considered. All photographers receive a badge that they can share proudly. Looking forward to what next year brings!

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