01 May 2014

New Orleans, Louisiana Engagement Session

Their love story: "Caleb and I met at a global health conference in Kentucky during medical school... We both shared a love for life, for faith, for people, international missions, for the outdoors, and for good food! Over the ensuing months, after many hours of coffee dates, dinners, and time in the park watching the sun rise or go down, Caleb asked me to be his girlfriend by the fountain downtown New Orleans. And so began our journey together... He told me he loved me for the first time on the banks of the Mississippi almost a year after we met, the very spot he would propose on Christmas Day! Caleb is one of the most sincere, passionate, sweet men I have ever met. I can't wait to spend my life with him!"

The proposal: "On Christmas Day... after the stockings and presents were opened...and after convincing me I didn't need pancakes for breakfast...Caleb asked me to take a walk down to the river. When we arrived at the muddy Mississippi river, after convincing a police officer to give us some space (reasons unbenounced to me)... we meandered down to the banks of the river. About this time, I began to have a few suspicions, as I could tell Caleb was nervous.. Perhaps even a tad nauseated and pale :). We spotted a nice log and sat. After a few moments, he got down on one knee and proposed. Real...raw...US. Only yards from the spot he told me he loved me for the first time a year ago, he asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. We kissed for the very first time. Me, in my Sunshine mud boots, flannel plaid shirt, leggings, and Santa hat. I almost tackled him when I saw the ring, but he picked me up and carried me over to the spot he had originally prepared. A bench he had sawed out of trees, with a basket filled with baby's breath and a letter he had written awaited. He built a fire...then read the beautiful letter he had written. We sat savoring the moment that we had waited for for so long...Teary eyed and so incredibly grateful to the God who brought us together."

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