22 August 2012

Meanda Grove Engagement Session by Johnny Jaquez Photography

This lovely Meanda Grove, Riverside engagement session was photographed by Johnny Jaquez Photography. This couple sure did have fun during their engagement session! Read on to see what the couple had to say about their shoot.

From the couple: Our engagement shoot was amazing. We decided to work with Johnny Jaquez Photography. And the husband/wife team was amazing. Brady and I felt kind of awkward at first and we knew our vision, but do not have a good track record with taking pictures. They just made us feel like ourselves. And made the whole situation so natural. We would just laugh and crack jokes or hug and kiss and he made beautiful pictures of us in our natural state. We didn't want to look posed and fake and he captured us perfectly. We used our wedding venue, The Meanda Grove, for our pictures. And we loved the different sceneries to choose from. We brought some props and Johnny's vision 100% worked with exactly what we wanted. We used a motorcycle, to my silly mustaches that I made, they brought there framed chalkboard and just had fun with us. Cynthia even went over to the people who happened to be filming for the Harvest Crusade in the back of the venue and got the people to let us use their horses and dog in some of the pictures. It was the most awesome time ever! And we felt like Johnny and Cynthia portrayed exactly what we were looking for in our pictures and that looking at our pictures you get a real sense of Brady and I together. And what our personalities are like. We could not ask for anything more, and our pictures will always be a fun story to talk about and show. When we showed our families, my Dad said, that's the Amanda we know, thats her real smile. And Brady totally portrayed Ryan Gosling in the notebook. And I get to marry that! It was the best wedding shoot I could ever imagine. And we are absoltuely in love with Johnny jaquez Photography.

Their love story: We met at work and we both liked each other from first glance. We continued to flirt for a while, and then at the company Christmas party exchanged numbers.... Amanda defintely initiated the exhange. We started texting and calling, and instantly had a connection. We started attending church together and would talk for hours on end about anything and everything. We decided to become a couple a month or so after hanging out. And just always had a blast together. We loved each other even for the mistakes of our pasts and really cared for one other. we were inseparable, and dated for 3 1/2 years before our engagement. The hardest part of our relationship was not living together and not being able to come home to each other.

The proposal: We had been talking about marriage for a while. And knew we both wanted to. But were waiting for the right timing. Getting to a point where we could financially be responsible and mentally and emotionally be there for each other. One night we were hanging out with some married friends. And I think it dawned on both of us that we wanted that. A few days later, Brady was at work. And he called me to tell me that instead Of coming over he was going to go look at a motorcycle that he liked. He called me a few hours later, and said can you come outside. When I came outside he was acting very strange. And nervous. I almost thought he was going to break up with me. When all of a sudden he got on one knee and said he wanted me to be his wife. And I dived on him. He presented me with the ring that we had picked out together a few months previous. He put it on my finger and I cried and said yes of course. I am literally the happiest bride ever and I am so excited to marry my best friend. And its been so cute to see how excited he is for all of this. We wanted a short engagement. Little less then 6 months. And can not wait for our big day!
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