Love at its finest.. Love that measures everything in pride, respect, faithfulness and dignity.. It's that type of love that makes women melt and those arms who hold us tight make us feel how powerful true love really is. We're simply in love with how romantic but yet powerful this couple is. Just look at how gracious the couple looks when they embrace each other and hold on to their love as their lucky charm!
It's not hard to imagine a better way of depicting love at its best. A strong soldier loyal to his country, his woman all dressed in white, beautiful and gentle for her man, the two of them standing tall and always there for each other.
Just by looking at these images filled with so many emotions, we recall a beautiful saying: "Man should never worry about finding the right woman, he just needs to worry about being the right man!" And we believe our beautiful couple exactly what they were looking for!
These stunning images captured by Imago Dei Photography are a tribute to love! Let's celebrate it together by enjoying love that is solid as rock walls, love that never fails and love that protects

The proposal: Together for a few years, Victor and I were preparing for an upcoming deployment. He was set to head out with the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit in a few weeks and we were busy getting everything in order. In a break from the stress, Victor and I sat to watch some TV and have a glass of wine after putting Jr. to bed. Oddly enough, he was acting very strange instead of relaxed and was completely non-communicative. I had thought some wine might relax him and help him to let go of what must be stressing him. Unfortunately, he was still quiet and seemingly in deep-thought. As we sat, a commercial came on TV and it was a 1-minute clip for an engagement ring store, "Robbins Brothers". The clip showed the varied expressions of women all over the world as they were proposed too. I laughed and said to Victor jokingly that if he ever proposed to me, "It should probably big…like REALLY, REALLY, BIG considering you only get one shot!". He tensed up more and grew more quiet. Seeing no response to my attempt at humor made me decide to go to bed. Hurt, I told Victor that I couldn't figure out what was the matter with him and that he needed to cheer up! That night, he didn't sleep one wink. Who would sleep when they were proposing the very next day? Who could rest when their crazy soon-to-be fiancee was unknowingly striking the fear of enormous expectations of a large proposal? The next morning, we were setting to drive to San Diego for a tour of the ships the 15th MEU would be sailing on. Thousands of families would witness where their significant others would be spending the next nine months. Victor encouraged me to wear something nice and I obliged as all of his superior ranking officers would be in attendance. He was still oddly quiet and unresponsive, and I was still irritated by it. (in hindsight… how silly was I?) When we arrived to the ship, I had felt as if Victor had said not more then a handful of words to me in 24 hours. I was flustered as he took Jr. for a bathroom break. As I sat there waiting for him to reappear, I grew impatient as he was gone for over 25 minutes. When him and Jr. came back into sight, I scolded them for leaving me alone for so long. They now both shared the same strange face Victor had had for a few days now. I looked at both of them as if they were crazy and began a beeline for the flight deck. I was excited to have our pictures taken by a photographer who was volunteering time for deploying families that day. As we stood there waiting in line, a crowd began to form. I noticed heavily that the line was becoming messy and uneasy to navigate. I turned to Victor as we stepped up to have out photo taken that Marines should be better at making a line. I was definitely being crabby. Suddenly, his face lit up with more expression then I had seen in days. He snapped out of his blank stare and accessed the line situation quickly. My heart was warmed, a man who keeps order and assesses line "emergencies" is a man after my heart! He quickly shouted "Attention everyone! May I have your attention, please?". I felt a pride swelling in my heart as I thought he was going to corral the masses into a line. What a guy he was! Fixing the line for me! He stood tall in front of thousands of watching families and shouted in his 'Marine-voice': "Ladies & Gentleman… today… today is THE DAY". I stared at him confused. Why would a lesson on line-forming need its own day? He began to talk. The crowd listened to him speak about me and then the love he had for our life and for our family. When he finished, he turned and faced me and dropped down on one-knee. With the ocean behind me and thousands of families in front, I burst into tears as Jr. dropped down with his daddy and said: "Please, please say yes Mommy!" As I looked at my both my boys, my handsome, loving boys, I knew now why he had hadn't slept, why he made random trips to San Diego (he got the ring at Robbins Brothers!), and why he had been quiet the last few days. In between messy tears, I said yes and Jr. jumped up and cried into my chest. His happiness was overflowing as he sobbed happily about becoming even more of a family. We all hugged each other as our friends and all of Victor's command smiled happily at us. Later, Victor would ask me…"So, did I do the proposal big enough? Like was is REALLY, REALLY big?! Because you better believe I stared at the ceiling all night after you said that in fear that it wasn't going to be big enough!"
Photo credit: Imago Dei Photography