18 November 2011

New blog in town

It's scary.. being the new blog in town- not knowing anyone or anyone wanting to know you. It's kind like high school during lunch, and all the cool kids are sitting at a table and you're walking around looking lost, trying to find a place to sit because you're not "welcomed" at the cool kids table. Which is fine, you think... you'll just find a more accepting group to hang out with. That's kind of how I feel right now... in this sea of wedding bloggers. I respect and adore every one of them because of what they do (at least the ones whose blogs I check several times a week anyway). But out of all the bloggers I've reached out to, only a couple replied back to me. It was tough for me because when I was looking for help, advice, and guidance, I wasn't really getting it. I created this blog all on my own with what little knowledge I had about this kind of stuff. Don't get me wrong.. I'm not complaining.. it just reminds of when was starting out in photography over 2 years ago - scary and unfamiliar. But it's all a part of life and I'm enjoying it very much so. Why? Because of the amazing support I have around me, the friends I've made because of this blog, and the photographers I've gotten to know because of weddings or shoots they've submitted to me. I'm in a much better place because of all those people and a have a heart full of happiness because of them.

I have so many great things in store for this blog; things I want to do and put together! First, we're thinking of hosting a workshop for wedding photographers! We don't have any details yet, but we hope to create a super fabulous (and fun) workshop! What I had in mind was to host a workshop that would be geared towards teaching photographers how to creatively shoot and capture important details of the wedding (you know, the invites your couple spent so much money on or how about the bouquet and table settings?) - the photos that wedding bloggers like myself are looking for. I have so many more ideas that I will keep secret for now, but if you're interested, I'd love to know!

Second, starting December 1st, Le Magnifique will be accepting sponsors for the blog. We're currently working on a media kit to send out to all our inquirer-ers (yeah, I know that's not a word). If you're interested, please send us an email at damaris [at] lemagnifiqueblog [dot] com.

Lastly, I just want to point out a few things. Ever since the launch of this blog, we've always stamped the photographer's website or blog on each of the photos we submit. We're the only blog in the industry that does this (or at least the only one I know of - hehe). We do this because images get saved on desktops or pinned to Pinterest and sometimes there is no credit back to the photographer. We're thankful for all the submissions we get sent our way and want to ensure that our photographers are treated with respect in regards to their work. Also, another thing you may have noticed is that we only blog once a day. I personally think that it's only fair to the photographer that their feature remains on the front page for that entire day and in addition to that, we're focused on promoting one photographer at a time. So basically, this blog was created with the photographer's best interest in mind (it probably has to do with the fact that I was in their shoes at one point in my life). Features are taking a little bit longer to go up because of this, but we would rather not have a photographer's feature get buried by other posts the same day it goes up.

And I will end with this quote:

Hello Andrea

Have a fabulous weekend! See you all next week :)

P.S. We will be announcing an awesome giveaway for vendors. So keep an eye out for that (it may go up tomorrow or Sunday).



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