17 February 2012

Happy 100th post!

Today marks Le Magnifique's 100th post! I can't believe I blogged 100 posts in 4 1/2 months. Crazy! And on top of that, this past Monday we passed 100,000 blog views since we launched on October 1st, 2011! I can't thank all of you enough - Le Magnifique readers, the talented photographers who have shared their work with me... thank you.

To celebrate this wonderful achievement, Le Magnifique is giving away a free 3 month rotating ad space on the blog. This is open to all wedding professionals (photographers, florists, etc...). Details below:

For a chance to win 3 months of free advertising with Le Magnifique, please complete the following steps:

  1. Tell your friends about Le Magnifique. Share Le Magnifique's page (link to direct page, not this post) on your personal page and creatively tell your friends/family/fans why they should follow us on Facebook.
  2. After sharing our page, come back here and leave a comment below telling me that you shared our page AND what you love the most about Le Magnifique. Also, leave your website or blog in the comment
Incomplete entries will not count.

**For an extra entry (only after the number one and two are completed)**
  1. Share Share Le Magnifique's page on your business page and come back here and leave a comment + link of where you shared LM. (be sure to leave an extra comment for this task or else it will not count).
You must be a fan of Le Magnifique to enter.
Good luck!

Contest ends Saturday at noon. 
Winner will be randomly selected and announced Sunday evening.

Ivy & Aster

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