10 September 2012

A personal update from the editor

I've been absent from blogging this past week or so and I apologize! In case you missed it, my husband and I are expecting twins early next year. I'm finishing up my 3rd month this week and let's just say it's been crazy. I started feeling nauseous at around 7 weeks and it hasn't let down since. It has been getting better though.. but those days are shadowed by the "sick" days. I'm in by 8pm (I used to stay up easily past midnight on work nights). I'm sleepy all the time (even with all the sleep I get). At times I cry because either I'm sick and tired of feeling nauseous or I'm scared or I'm excited. My emotions are all out of whack. But nevertheless, I'm so very excited to meet my two little blessings.

So the reason I've been absent is because I honestly haven't had the energy to stay on the computer long enough to complete a blog post. I still work a full-time job, however, lately it hasn't been so "full-time" because of missed days or leaving early (thank God, I work for my dad and he is understanding).  But I still spend the majority of my weekdays at work and by the time I get home, I'm just pooped. I recently brought on board a sweet gal who is going to help me with the blogging (more on her later). So I'm hoping that I'll be able to get all those lovely features out on the blog soon with her help.

In other news..

- In less than one month, Le Magnifique will be celebrating ONE YEAR! I'm so very excited for that :) I'm still thinking of ways to celebrate :)

- Last night, I announced our ad space/blog sponsor sale! The prices are only good until December 1st, so if you're in the wedding industry and want to sponsor Le Magnifique, check out our brand new advertising page. We've made purchasing ads so easy. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to shoot me an email: ads@lemagnifiqueblog.com.

Love you all! Thanks for visiting LM!

Damaris Mia
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