17 March 2012

A Washington Wedding by Lee Ann Photography

The perfect wedding for St. Patricks Day! This lovely Irish wedding was photographed by Lee Ann of Washington state. Totally loving the traditional Irish elements that were incorporated into this wedding. Thank you for sharing, Lee Ann!

Describe how you felt when you saw each other for the first time on your wedding day:
Bride: We opted to have our intimate moment before our wedding ceremony. Our photographer (Lee Ann) had us meet at a remote location. We arrived in different vehicles.. The emotions were very surreal. I had waited and dreamed of this moments for months. It was almost like it couldn’t be true. My handsome future husband was waiting my arrival. I walked up to Collin from behind, placed my hand on his shoulder waiting for him to turn around to see his future wife. I was speechless and all i could do was smile. The feelings and emotions were incredible. This was the beginning of our lives together. 
Groom: When i saw Kayla for the first time, i knew right then and there I was making the best decision of my life. I was overwhelmed with excitement and love. I wanted to keep her wrapped up in my arms.

What was your favorite moment?
Bride: It is hard to choose my favorite moment from our wedding day, Everything seemed to be so perfect. But, the feeling I had when my dad walked me down the isle, seeing all the family and friends that were there to support us as our lives joined. Then seeing the smile on Collin’s face as we approached and my dad then gave my hand to him. It all became real. 
Groom: After the ceremony Kayla and I rode to the reception on the back of a 1960‘s firetruck. It was a relief that everything had finally all came together. Now it was a time for my wife and I to enjoy some laughs and be able to talk about how happy we were just the two of us.

Any unique wedding traditions?
Collin being of Irish heritage, we had a live bagpiper play as the wedding party entered. And all the male wedding party were dressed in traditional kilts. My sister had passed away 10 years ago, we all knew she was watching us from above, we had a family friend that was a bridesmaid walk down the isle with one single rose that was placed in a vase on a table where we stood for the ceremony. There is a long tradition of being a firefighter in Collin’s family. In the 1960’s Collin’s grandfather brought a firetruck up from California to his hometown of Pomeroy, WA. We rode from the ceremony to the reception on the back of the firetruck. While we were on the truck we had many guest honk and wave making us feel like celebrities. Both Collin and I’s mothers are huge quilters. We had the idea to have our quest sign a quilt instead of a guest book for everyone to sign. My mother made the center section of our wedding quilt. She then had blocks cut out where we asked our guest to write a message to us. Some messages were fun, some serious and others religious. My mom then completed the quilt using these messages as the boarder. We will always charious our wedding quilt. Collin is a huge sports fan. I had a purple and gold garter made in honor of his favorite college team. It was very funny when not only he was surprised but when he revealed it everyone. Especially to the rival fans. On our guest sign in we had our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents wedding photos in black and white displayed in old frames.

Advice for couples planning their wedding?
Relax, everything will all come together perfectly. Planning goes by so fast and every step is a memory you will keep close to you forever. Think about the wedding party when selecting their dresses. Body size, style and color. They also want to look their best. Choosing your wedding dress should be a special moment between you and your mother. Too many friends or siblings causes to many opinions. It should be what you want. Share  ideas early with  your vendors so they have plenty of time to plan how they can help make your wedding day perfect .  Your wedding should be unique to you. Admit to yourself that something will not happen as planned, but no one will know but you.

Photography: Photography By Lee Ann // Venue: Maple Hall // Caterer: Tip Pit BBQ // 
Florist: Twigs and Petals // Cake: Cakes by Marcella // Wedding dress, shoes, veil: Fashion Corner // Kilts: Atlanta Kilts // PhotoBooth: Lewiston PhotoBooth  

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