08 June 2012

How to make the most of your engagement session

I have heard countless of stories about engaged couples wanting to skip out on the engagement session in an attempt to save money. Most photographers I know, include a complimentary engagement session because they want to get to know you better and get you comfortable in front of the camera before your wedding day. In all honesty, I wouldn't want my wedding day to be the first time my photographer and I meet. I want to already be friends with the person who will be documenting one of the most important days in my life. So engaged couples: do not skip out on your engagement session. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your engagement session. Great tips to have before you head out to yours!

Have fun- I can't stress how important it is to have fun. Your engagement session is going to be the one session that is stress free and a great way for you to connect as a couple. You want people to see your love in photos. You spend so much time planning the wedding, it's easy to lose sight of this special stage in your life. Let loose and be yourselves.
~ Ali Brannan Photography

The engagement session, in my opinion, sets the tone for the rest of your marriage. This sounds dramatic, but you’ll be looking at these memories for as long as you live, why not make it count? So my advice is to make sure your session reflects who you are as a person and especially what your style is! Wear multiple outfits, with accessories! Get your hair did and nails done! Wear fantastic shoes and bring a chalkboard to write on. If you play the banjo, play it during the session! Get creative with the locations; read a book in a bookstore, drink coffee at Starbucks, do your laundry in a cute skirt. The ideas and possibilities are absolutely endless! 

Use it to connect with your photographer! It's so important to get along well with your wedding photographer as he/she is the one you'll see when saying "I do". The Engaged session is a great opportunity to get to know each other and to learn what is expected. This will make life a lot easier on your wedding day. I will save you some nerves and if will save you time you would rather spend with the friends and family you don't see too often. I try to do an engaged session with every couple and only hundreds of miles keep me from doing so as I think it's the perfect way of starting a relationship! I love engagement sessions! Make them about you and you'll love them, too!

Be over-the-top! Your engagement session is your chance to play dress-up and be the most fabulous versions of yourselves! You know that dress you wanted SO bad, but thought "What would I EVER wear that to?!" The answer is: Your engagement session! Whether it's a huge statement necklace, a funky headband, or some crazy shoes....your engagement session is your chance to have fun with your look! Don't just play it safe :)

Sometimes while planning an engagement session, there are some details that are left out or not considered important. Just like your wedding day as photographers we want you to enjoy this time, have fun and get great images as a result. Here are a couple details you can take care before your session. Girls, get a manicure and pedicure 1 or 2 days before the session, get your ring cleaned; as photographers we will be focusing a lot in your hands and ring because we want you to always remember this moment, we do not want you to hide your hands from our lens because they do not look pretty. I would highly recommend get your hair and make up done by a professional. This is to ensure that your look lasts the whole time you are in front of the camera, even if you laugh, jump, dance, or kiss (trust me you will be asked to kiss a lot, so do not forget the lip gloss). Guys you are next, even you are so fast to get ready there are still some point I want you to consider while getting ready for your engagement session. If you are the kind of guys who shaves or if your bride likes you better without a beard, do so. Who does not like a freshly shaved guy? Please your fiancĂ© and get your clothes ready, clean and ironed shirts/t-shirts are always a plus; also if you color coordinate your outfits you might get extra points! Remember photographers love details and you will not regret taking these points into action when you see the awesome images you get after the session. Enjoy and have fun!! 

I think the most important part of an E-Session from a photographer's point of view is to learn how the couple interact with each other, how they express their connection and affection. Being creative with locations or clothing is really fun, but the most important part is to capture the chemistry of the couple. Each couple is different and the key is to find the specific activity/theme that defines them and makes their love unique.
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