29 April 2013

A Day in the Life of a Professional Wedding Blogger

I'm sitting here, trying to figure out how and what to share about what goes on in my day as a professional wedding blogger because you see, just a couple months ago, I went on maternity leave from my full-time day job and just as of 9 weeks ago, became a mommy to twin boys (who look nothing alike, by the way). So, I'll just share what I've been doing while I was working a FT day job and how I'm handling blogging now as a mom

I launched LM in October 2011 while I was working a full-time job for my dad's company. I woke up every morning sometime between 5:45am and 6:15am. It took me no more than 10 minutes to get ready and I'd get to work in like, 12.5 minutes. My shift started at 7am and ended at 3:30pm but sometimes my dad just wanted to hang out and stuff, so when that would happen, I wouldn't get home until 5/6pm. Once I got home, I would work on the blog while getting dinner ready for the hubby and myself and/or cleaning the house. I would work into the late hours of the night, sometimes only getting 4-5 hours of sleep. It didn't bother me at all because I enjoyed what I did and still do and I can sit in front of the computer for days and not be bothered by it.

Then in the summer of last year, I got pregnant. With twins. Whoa whoa whoa. My life completely changed. I was nauseous from week 7 until week 20. Then I got big fast and just had no energy for anything. I couldn't sit in front of the computer for long periods of time like I used to be able to do. I was tired all the time. All this while this working a full-time job and managing LM all by myself. I continued to work full-time until mid-December (one of the great things about working for my dad was that when I couldn't work full-time anymore, I just told him and he let me go home whenever I wanted to). I worked a flexible part-time schedule from mid-December to mid-January, at which point I went on maternity leave.

Fast forward to mid-February when I ended up in the hospital for a week and it resulted in delivering the twins two weeks early (they were originally scheduled for delivery at 38 weeks but instead, they came at 36 weeks due to an unexpected issue).

So here I am.. a brand new mommy to twin boys. I run and manage Le Magnifique all on my own. I love that I get to be at home and not working at a day job. Le Magnifique is truly a labor of love as I don't make much money from it right now. Actually, I make very little money from it - it's quite sad, haha. But I love blogging, I love the photographers I get to "meet" through my blog, and I love helping get photographers' work out there. I love hearing how photographers have received inquiries and bookings from being featured on LM. I love it. It makes me so proud of everything I have put into this blog.

As of right now, I don't really have a schedule now with two infants who constantly need attention. I tried putting down a schedule but it's tough. It seems like once I sit down to work, one twin will wake up. Once I get him down to sleep, the other will wake up. Fortunately, I have tons of help from family members - otherwise I would not be able to blog or get rest! :) Emails are answered whenever I can get to them, submissions are worked on during whatever free time I get or late at night. For now, things are done whenever. I love doing what I do. It's not glamourous - I don't have a gorgeous office and am usually workout clothes or my PE shorts from middle school. I'm lucky if I get to brush my teeth at all - sometimes I simply just forget and don't remember until I get ready for bed. I'm usually covered in spit and vomit. My hair usually stays in a bun for a couple of days. But it's fun. It's a new experience and I wouldn't change it for anything.

Here are some photos from what happens during my day with the twins:

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