08 July 2013

A little update...

I recently realized that I never really took a "real" maternity leave. I unexpectedly landed in the hospital right before the twins were born (19 weeks ago) and stayed there for a week until they were born. I spent my time recovering from the c-section working on the blog, however, not as much as I was prior to the twins being born. Well, a leave of absence is much needed. It's not as easy as I thought it would be being a wife, new mom to twins, taking care of the house, and running this blog. I'm not sure how long I will be "gone" for but it will be at least a month. When I come back, I'm going to take it really easy and will probably only post 2-3 times a week (as opposed to 5-6). 

I will not be answering any emails unless they are SUPER important. I will not be reviewing any submissions. I will, however, be sharing features from the archives on the Facebook page and staying on top of Pinterest.

I will be finishing up the rest of the submissions I have and hope to have everything featured by the end of the month. Lastly, I will be announcing the next LM styled shoot challenge within the next couple of weeks. 

So stay tuned for all the inspiration I'll be posting on our Facebook page!

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