08 July 2013

60th Anniversary Session by Megan Vaughan Photography

From Megan Vaughan Photography: A while back, I got a phone call from a lovely woman named Cindy. She explained to me that her parents’ 60th wedding anniversary was coming up and she wanted some pictures done for them. I was beyond excited because I’d never done a shoot like this before. Plus, Ruby and Harold sounded like an awesome couple who love the Lord more than anything in the world.
"My folks are connected to the farm in a deep way.  Especially my father.  He gardens for he and mom, for all the old folks in the neighborhood who can’t garden any more, folks they go to church with, and what’s left over he takes to the homeless shelter.  Up until this past year they have raised cattle.  My dad is a retired building contractor and my mom was a stay at home mom (5 kids) and help mate for my father in whatever he was doing.  They are an amazing couple who I love with all my heart.  They served as hard working Christian parents not only talking the talk, but walking the walk.  I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for having such wonderful parents and role models growing up."
I went and visited them before the session so I could get to know them. The minute Harold opened the door and invited me into their home, I was blasted with memories of my late grandparents. Their home was warm and welcoming. I sat on the couch and listened to their life story and was handed picture after picture of their family, whom they are extremely proud of and love with all their hearts. We laughed, cracked jokes and told stories for over an hour. When saying goodbye, Ruby wrapped her arms around me and gave me a 100% hug. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’m a hugger. I hug everyone,” she said. That works for me because I’m a hugger too!:) After I left, my face hurt from smiling so much, and I felt like I inherited grandparents.

After we were done with our session, Harold said, “You know, Ruby told me she hoped we would just snap a couple pictures and be done!” I said, “Ruby, you didn’t really think that did you?” And she goes, “Megan, I’m just glad you are the way you are or this wouldn’t have been any fun at all.” Harold went inside and gave me a bag of apples from their tree, they both gave tight, loving hugs and I was off.
You know that sign families have hanging over their door that says, “All because two people fell in love?”
Ruby and Harold had 5 children:
Rhonda –> David, Kevin, Brian –> Tyler, Noah, Kaylah, Karoline, Burke, Campbell
Tim –> Michael, Ethan
Cindy –> Brook –> Gaige, Skylar, River, Cole, Perrin
Sandy  –> Kari
5 children, 7 grandchildren and 11 great grand children… all because two people fell in love 60 years ago.
Incredible. Ruby and Harold represent a marriage that everyone should aspire to. I feel completely blessed to have gotten the privilege to meet them and get a glimpse of their wonderful, fulfilling, Christ-centered marriage.

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