About their engagement session: Katrin and me wanted to have really nice pictures for our engagement. Katrin searched the whole web for good photographers. The ones she found were either too far away or too expensive. Then she showed me the pictures of Ruth. I was directly enthusiastic about these pictures. On top of that it wasn't so far for us to travel to Netherlands from Germany and as I already mentioned we really like to travel and adventures. When we arrived it was already pretty late and the sun went down because we had traffic jam. Ruth already waved at us to come up. She prepared so many nice props for us! We were amazed from her warm and open welcoming. Unfortunately we had to hurry so we got into the car and drove to the shooting place on a nice little field. Ruth put all the props in a good position and we started. What we liked most about the shooting is that we had so much fun! We made fun of ourselves and just enjoyed variating in positions in front of the camera. Ruth had many nice ideas what we can do and helped us out when we didn't know how to stand. All in all the shooting itself was wonderful and made so much fun. When we wanted to leave we had a problem. We parked the car on the field and it was pretty muddy. Of course I drove the car directly into a deep hole and we got stuck. We tried to get out by ourselves but it was difficult. I friendly neighbor came out with his son and went for the tractor to pull us out. In the end Katrin sat on the steering wheel and I tried to push the car one last time. It worked and we got out! The rest of the evening we spend at Ruth's apartment together with her husband Daniel. We talked a few hours and decided to meet again. A few weeks ago we visited Ruth and Daniel already and it was really fun and hope them to keep as friends.

How he proposed: Katrin always knew that she want to marry one time. I wasn't convinced first because I felt to young for this. But last year in december I decided to ask her. We already planned a holiday on new year in Zurich together. I was sure I will ask her new year. One day before we drove to Switzerland I went to her parents to ask them for their blessings. They we're really emotional and didn't hesitate a moment to admit their concession. During our trip to Switzerland I gave Katrin a rose every 2 hour. She was really surprised but didn't know what that meant. The days before new year were really exciting to me because I didn't know what I will say. At midnight I had the ring with me but I didn't find the right moment. Katrin noticed that immediately because she knows me so well. I was a bit disappointed but nevertheless the day was awesome! The next day was really sunny and Katrin and me decided to take a walk through the city. I was so excited with the ring case in my pocket that I almost pushed her to walk on to find a nice place. When we finally came to a romantic place near university we sat on a bench and enjoyed the sight. That was the moment when I decided to get on my knees and ask her to marry me. She was a bit unsure if I meant it but when she saw the ring she knew it was getting serious. Of course she said yes! First it felt a bit strange to make that step after almost 10 years but after we walked on talking about our feelings we felt really happy and enjoyed the lasting time in Zurich.
Photographer: Blooming Light Photography