11 October 2011

5,000 blog views + cupcake inspiration

Yesterday was a big day for Le Magnifique! We hit 5,000 views! Well, right now we're almost at 5,500! That was my goal for the month of October!! Okay, I just realized there are a lot of exclamations marks in the last couple of sentences (!!!). I so didn't expect to reach 5,000 views in just TEN days. Like, whoa! Since I reached my monthly goal so quickly, I'm going to up my goal to 15,000 views this month. That's a high number but I'm going to hit it :) So to everyone who stopped by this blog and left a comment or Facebook Liked a post, THANK YOU. Seriously, thank you.

I originally intended this blog to be used for all things weddings. While I will be primarily focusing on anything wedding related, I also want to throw in everyday inspiration. When you're planning a wedding, the wedding doesn't become you nor do you become the wedding. You're still doing your everyday things like working, house duties, going out, etc... Those things will continue even after you get married. And because of this, I want to share things I think would inspire you in your everyday life. I want to give you ideas for your wedding planning as well as ideas for the in between moments in life. Like cooking, for example. I love cupcakes. Wait, saying I love cupcakes would be an understatement. I recently came across Ming Makes Cupcakes while Stumbling (if you're on Stumbleupon, follow me!) and just had to share a couple with you. Don't these look delicious? Yum! Great for the holidays coming up or any bridal shower you may be planning. These are definitely two that I want to try out. Which one do you want to eat?

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