07 February 2013

California Military Engagement Session by Megan Hayes Photography

"It was 4th of July 2012 when I went to visit him at a base in Texas. I was so exited to get to see him and on my favorite holiday. He had some plans for us to go to the base lake and watch the fireworks, he also had a big suprise. We were sitting on the bench watching the fireworks over the lake and he started to act funny, I kept asking him what was wrong but he kept saying he was ok. Moments later right as the fireworks were ending he got on his knee in front of me and asked me to marry him! The ring was beautiful and I was the happiest I've ever been!" -Bride

Their love story: We met in high school freshman year, we didn't get along too well. He was outgoing and I was quite, I never thought I would fall for him. After 4 years of hardly speaking to each other we caugh up after graduation, we started talking and realized that we both were wrong about each other, he thought I was mean calling me "rapter" eyes when he asked for my homework and I thought he was lazy, always showing up late to class. I realized he wasn't lazy, he would just rather work outside with hands on stuff rather than sit behind a desk, and he learned I wasn't mean I just was guarded and took pride in my own work. On September 10th 2010 we made it official and started falling in love. After 2 years of dating and growing closer we though we had been thought it all. This is when we started talking about him joining the army, I wasn't fond of the idea but would support him no matter what. 4 days after enlisting he left for basic training, I was devastated, 7 months with out getting to see the man I loved! Luckily I was able to fly out to see him for his graduation from basic training 3 months in. It was like a first date for us, except a whole lot better! But we still had 4 months to go separated by thousands of miles. Once he moved bases I visited him again for the 4th of July. It will be a trip I never forget, I flew back home with a ring on my left hand. He arrived home 4 months later and we have been planning our wedding ever since!

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