05 February 2013

San Francisco Engagement Session by Angel's Ink Photography

"As Chris and I planned this "Day of Nothing," the original plan was to do...well...you guessed it...nothing! We knew our good friend Angel was going to be in San Francisco that weekend and she had asked us two month prior (unaware of the planned proposal) if she could do a photo session with us. Chris and I were happy to oblige! After Friday's big surprise, I immediately contacted Angel to tell her the news (with lots of screaming and crying I might add), and ask her if she would be willing to make our casual photo session into an impromptu engagement session! She couldn't have been more thrilled. That Sunday, November 11th, 2012, Angel met Chris and I outside the Hyatt Hotel in the Embarcadero, and so began our iconic SF engagement session. First, we started at our favorite spot on Pier 14 where Chris and I have shared many intimate moments staring out at our beautiful city. Next we walked among the massive buildings crowded in the Embarcadero, just as the sun began to set behind us. The light was dark, glimmering and romantic. The warm glow of the sunset reflected off the tall buildings around us, gave way to the encompassing darkness creeping in. It was chilly, but Angel's sweet spirit and easy going personality made Chris and I completely relaxed and right at home behind her camera. Many moments I forgot what we were actually doing, as I was having so much fun playing in the grass with the love of my life!" - Bride

Their love story: This love was 7 years in the making. Chris was a sweet, media planner from Vermont who fell in love with...San Francisco first. It was in this city that brought him into my life. Working his first job in The City he met a couple of hopeless romantics that would lead him straight to me. This couple are my good friend Stephanie and Michael, and somehow, they always knew that Chris and I were made for one another! Though our love didn't begin right away, it was Heaven sent, and needed time to develop. As we individually trekked down the path of hopeless love, only to be desperately disappointed, the dating game wore us thin. Come January 2012, both of us unattached and open to new love, Stephanie assumes the position of "match maker" to soothe our lonely hearts. It started with an email about New Years Eve plans, then it was my birthday, then a run in at a Fitz and Tantrums concert...by late February 2012, he had me at "Do you want to go snowboarding this weekend?" With our love for keeping active, healthy and social, it brought us closer together, and within just two short months, there was no doubt in our minds that this was a love to last a lifetime!

The proposal: It had been a hard two month leading up to the proposal as I had been traveling for work and was hardly ever home. Chris knew he needed to plan a "Day of Nothing" so that we could relax and enjoy one another before the hustle of the holidays occurred. He asked me when I would be able to play "hookie" and do "nothing" with him...I said "November 9th." Done. The day was planned, though I had no idea that this "Day of Nothing" was going to be the busiest day of my life! We woke up to a beautiful, crisp November morning and went to brunch. After a very nice, relaxing time, we walked through the iconic Marina District of San Francisco enjoying this classic SF winter day. Without notice, he pauses in front of a flower boutique, and states to the proprietor that he has ordered flowers for pick-up...me standing, holding his hand, shocked...what?!??! What a gentleman!! He says, "This has been a really long couple months and I wanted to get you three red roses...one for each day this weekend, because I want it to be special." Melt my heart why don't you! We continue our walk to the shops, but as we get there, he suggests we walk to the Marina Green by the Bay and watch the sail boats and the waves. I can't help but think..."Why??? It's cold." But I keep my negative thoughts to myself. As we walk, I'm being my normal, Chatty Kathy self, oblivious to the fact that Chris is quiet, sweaty and nervous. As we arrive to the Marina Green, we sit on a bench and watch the Bay as the boats sail by. The scene couldn't have been more serene or perfect. After about 5 minutes, I notice him looking frantically back and forth. When I ask him what he is looking for, he causally says, "Nothing." At this point I know something is up, but a proposal was still not on my mind. After 15 minutes he suggest we leave to go do our shopping. As I rise to get us, he drops to one knee! In his eyes I see tears welling up. The feeling is mutual. My hand covers my mouth and I begin to sob. He says, "You are the love of my life and I am so blessed that God brought us to one another. You are my best friend and I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. Noelle Alyce Nelson, will you marry me?" The words couldn't have left my lips faster!! "YES! YES! YES!" I scream as I grab for him to stand up and kiss me! Life at that moment stood still.

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