26 March 2014

Shaver Lake, California Engagement Session

Their love story: My classmate/ acquaintance from school named Sierra came up to me after class crying her eyes out, explaining that her dad had cancer and that their family needed prayer. I assured her that they all would be in my prayers (not knowing her brother at the time). Sierra and I soon became like sisters as she struggled through this tough time. I met her mom on a lunch date for her birthday and both Sierra and her had a plan. I was in Invited to lunch with the family and Christopher was there. Christopher made a point to his family that he wanted to know more about me. We Went on a first date, and realized we had an absolute blast! It seemed like our personalities and sense of joy about the life we were loving matched. We loved every second on that first date and here we are 1 1/2 years later, engaged!
So to me it's not just the blessing of marrying my best friend but also a blessing that my second best friend is his sister!! Oh and by the way, his dad has been doing amazing with his diagnosis and he is going to be our officiant in the wedding! We are in love and can't wait to see what is in store.

How he proposed: I had lost a previous friend of mine as he had passed away. My favorite spot to go when we always hung out was Shaver Lake. Christopher knew this place was close to my heart and took me there for the day. To me shaver lake had so much meaning (rest, comfort, happiness, joy). It was the many memories that went through mind at Shaver lake that kept my heart in tune with God's purpose after my friend had passed away. So on his knee, on the shore of Shaver lake, he topped off those memories with the question of new life together! Of course, I said yes!!
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