11 March 2013

Lake Winnipesaukee Engagement Session by Briana Moore Photography

"They moved fluidly between tender and playful with an adorable understanding and rhythm. Liz still basked in a newly engaged glow. Justin happily teetered between lovable goober & passionate man who knows just how lucky he has it. To quote Justin, “Lizzy is my best friend. I’m lucky that I get to keep her.” They both mentioned that their favorite smell is NH. When they closed their eyes, held onto each other tight, and took a deep breath of that NH air… you could tell they were at home." 
-Briana Moore Photography

Photo credit: Briana Moore Photography

From the couple: When Justin & I were at UNH, we met through a mutual friend. One of the first dates we had was a road trip up to his lake house. Justin jokes that he was testing me to see if I could keep up. Test 1 was if I could literally keep up with him on the ski slopes of the White Mountains! 2) make sure I had the same appreciation for the lake that he has, 3) was if I could keep up with him driving on the winding roads between the lake and school. I passed all with flying colors! One of the most important reasons why our relationship has evolved is the similar family dynamics in which we grew up. Both families are grounded with strong family values based on respect & love for one another. Both of our parents have loving & understanding relationships that have an undeniable role in our relationship. Our jobs have taken us away from where we met and grew up, however we still find the time in our busy lives to go back to Lake Winnipesaukee and Sunapee where our families all congregate and where we most look forward to visiting. Justin proposed to me out on the water on Lake W. while having a picnic dinner on the back of the "Big Boat." The sun was setting over the mountains and the loons were singing on this beautiful New Hampshire evening. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect proposal! Justin and I plan on getting married in NH & can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together enjoying our free time up at the lakes.

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