16 December 2011

A Costa Mesa, California wedding by Kaysha Weiner Photography

Jeremy and I met eleven years ago.  People say everything happens for a reason…  and I’m a believer.  It was actually my big brother (one of Jeremy’s Groomsmen) and my sister-in-law (my MOH) who introduced us when we were sixteen.  For over eight years we spent summers together with family, birthdays, holidays, and your typical “run in” when we were out and about. Girlfriends and boyfriends came, and then went. There were good times and of course some really bad times. We never dated. Through those years we watched each other grow into who we are today.  And when the time was RIGHT, we came together.

The proposal… 
So, I was very suspicious… I must have spent months hunting through our house for clues.  Every search ended in confusion… NOTHING… there was nothing!  How could there really be nothing in the house – right?!  I was beginning to feel like Sheena the spy!  I finally gave up! 
Jeremy’s family spends every Thanksgiving in a small little cabin in the middle of Yokohl Valley. Its the type of place people cant explain in words, you have to see it to believe it. So so beautiful.  This past November was my first time visiting this special cabin.  I was beyond excited to share Jeremy’s childhood memories with him. 
The weather was really terrible, and it had been raining and misting for most of our drive through the valley.  When we finally arrived at the cabin, it was only seconds before Jeremy said he wanted to show me a creek where as little boys he and his brother played.  It was cold, and wet, but the most amazing place I had ever been.  Trees that reached to the sky, no one around for miles…nothing but land.  We climbed over old fences and down a hill until we reached a hidden creek.  As I stood there almost speechless Jeremy grabbed my hand and turned me toward him… he was on his knee. 
The proposal went like this:
Jeremy:  Will you marry me?
Sheena: What?!
Jeremy: Will you marry me?
Sheena: What?! Really?!
Jeremy: Yes
Sheena: Seriously?!
Jeremy: Yes
Sheena: YES!
When we got back to the cabin his whole family was poping bottles of champagne and celebrating.  There was a toast, and Jeremy’s Grandfather (who will be marrying us) says “Does this mean I’m officially a Great Grandfather?!”… one of the best moments of my life. 
Minor detail… he had the ring in the ice cooler in the garage for three months… probably the only place I didn’t think to look ; )


Photography: Kaysha Weiner
Flower Girl Dress: Etsy
Wedding Dress: Saison Blanche Couture
Shoes: Steven Madden
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