11 April 2012

A Texas Engagement Session by Heather of All Trades

A sweet Texas engagement session, photographed by Heather of All Trades. I just adore this future bride's outfits - so beautiful! Thank you Heather for sharing this session with me!

Their love story:
I moved to Texas from California in March with my sister & brother in law. Daniel is good friends with my brother in law and we hung out together a lot. It wasn't long after I started developing feelings for him, but he was kind of hard to read I never knew if he was interested or not. Until one night, I was hanging out with some friends that he called me & asked me out to dinner the next day. The rest is history!

How the proposal went down:
We'd talked about marriage early on so I knew it was coming soon, but I had no clue it was coming when it happened. Daniel rarely has Saturdays off, I work you're typical mon-fri 8-5, so when he told me had saturday off I was so excited that we could spend all day together! Daniel loves to fish, and I don't mind fishing, as long as he's with me...Anyhow, we went out to this place I'd never been and he was so picky about where we'd fish. (I thought it was a fisherman thing, but I guess it was where we could find an easy catch) We probably stopped at two other places before he found a place he "liked". He gave me a rod & I started fishing, he kept telling me how to "feel" for it..and kept telling me that he knew I was going to catch something. Well after about 20 minutes I felt the twitch and reeled my line in to see a squirmy little perch! The smile on Daniel's face was priceless he was SO HAPPY I caught a fish! So he dropped his rod, grabbed mine and asked me to get a pair of pliers in his tackle box, well when I opened it the only thing in the tackle box was the ring box I was so surprised and when I turned around he was on one knee.

What he loves about her:
She is my P.I.C.

What she loves about him:
What's NOT to love about my punkin!! He makes me the happiest person in the world!

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