30 May 2013

The Lab Engagement Session by Jessica Danielle Photography

"The engagement session with Jessica was perfect! Jessica was awesome and we wanted to be able to portray our lives through photos and it was perfectly set out. Jess had our personalities screaming through all of the photos! Everything felt so natural when we were shooting with Jess. She made us feel so comfortable and there were even times we forgot that she was even present. The set was perfect and felt like the first day we met all over again. Jess set an amazing mood and it was an experience I'll never forget. We already have her set as our family photographer from here on out. :) It was perfect!" 
-the couple

Their love story: Eveni and I started dating on June 1st 2006 and have been deeply in love every since! Madly in love since the day we met and we never fight EVER... NOT! haha We have had the craziest love story and it's one that I wouldn't change for the world. Eveni and I started dating in Bible College but had known eachother and liked eachother since our sophomore year of high school. We took 3 beautiful years to get to know eachother and in those 3 years we became the best of friends. The year Eveni finally decided to declare his love for me it was the perfect time. We had both finished our first year of bible college and he seriously took the entire year to make sure it was the right thing for the both of us. We both did nothing but pray about our friendship to see if this lifelong friendship could turn into a lifelong relationship full of LOVE! Eveni was a musician so our first two years of dating were spent long distance with occasional visits because he was on tour for those two years. I was completely miserable but knew this was the guy God made for me so we waited patiently and did what any other 19 year olds would do, WE COMPLAINED, cried, and talked for hours and hours on the phone even when he would be traveling on the other side of the world. We waited for each others calls and waited anxiously for those rare visits. It was rough but we made it through and decided NEVER AGAIN! lol We spent our next few years in AZ where we attended bible college. One summer I decided to go on tour all over the USA for the summer with his band and I quit my job and completely lived off of faith and went with my man to tour the world. It was amazing everyday was a new adventure and we can literally say we've went on a date in almost every state!!! After the summer tour ended in 2008 we felt like God was telling us it's time to move again so from there we went to Dallas, TX to help plant and start a church. (Yes these two cali natives were just traveling the world and going only where God opened the door to go) We both stayed in Dallas for the next 3 years until June 2011 where we both decided it was time to come back to the mother ship! California was calling us home and we were both excited for this new chapter. When we moved back home I was so caught up in work which was modeling, event coordinating, and just getting my career started so marriage wasn't in my future anytime soon (at least that's what I thought). Eveni had a more difficult time figuring out if California is where he was suppose to be. Although I had a hard time accepting we could potentially be facing long distance again I knew he had to do what he felt God was telling him to do. Finally we both came to the conclusion that it was time to come home and spend time with our family. While both of us were working, we got caught up in the LA life and marriage wasn't even a thought. Both our lives came to a huge hault when in August of 2012 my little sister was diagnosed with Leukemia. Prior to this diagnosis I was working in LA, busy with life, Events, and just working on my career keeping busy. When my sister got diagnosed I felt God telling me to slow down and take care of my sister. I quit my job and spent the next couple of months taking care of my sister! Since I spent most of my life in the hospital with my sister sleeping, eating, breathing, and taking in every moment with my baby sister of course you know Eveni had to be there with me as well. As much as Eveni loved being there for me he loved my little sister as his own so he was there more for her than me! During that time in the hospital God blessed my baby sister with a donor who was my older sister and my little sister's journey to a transplant began!! In December of 2012 we moved from our regular hospital to City of Hope hospital in Pasadena to begin her transplant process. During this entire time I didn't even think marriage was a thought, but clearly Eveni had different plans. On December 23rd, 2012 Eveni proposed to me and a week later my baby sister who was my Maid of Honor was released and the wedding planning began. We started our happily every after!!!!

The proposal: Well, I had been spending a lot of time in the hospital when a couple friends of ours who hosted a radio station asked us if we could do a promotional video for a commercial for a new museum opening up in Long Beach, CA. I didn't think anything of this request considering I use to model and am still a spokesmodel so I thought well I would love to help them little did I know it was my proposal. Nothing was weird about this day I spent that morning at the hospital with my little sister ran home and got ready for this "promotional video" for this museum and Eveni came and picked me up like any other day. Now before I go on let me say that as loud and crazy as I am I love the small intimate things Eveni and I share. When it comes to us I enjoy sharing our private and most sacred special moments together with just the two of us. We arrive at the museum and all I am thinking is well "I AM HUNGRY, I HOPE THIS IS OVER FAST." We arrive and immediately start filming as if we are really doing this promotional video. We are going through the video and the lady is really giving us a tour and really taking us to see all the items in the museum all while we are filming. Finally we get to the main attraction inside the museum and she has us take a seat. While she's giving us facts about this main attraction, I start to notice she's talking about LOVE and God but of course I'm more concerned about not slouching and looking fat on camera so I keep smiling and thinking to myself (how cool she loves God) I also start to notice there are little things in the little hut we are sitting in and she starts explaining the details of each item. Some of the items were wine and cheese to speak about love that gets better with age, building blocks to talk about the obstacles of love, and finally she talks about a bible which symbolizes LOVE. The whole time she's talking Eveni is sitting next to me and then as soon as she says LOVE Eveni stands up and from then on I KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING. To top it all off, after I said yes out from the back I hear cheering and it's our parents and siblings. You can see the whole video on the link below. :) Ps he used a museum because we have a lot of history and 6.5 years can leave you with a lot of fun times!! Also on top of all that we are both samoan so he took us to a Polynesian museum! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6k3wcHk4l4 December 23rd we were engaged & on April 12th we got married and it was the most amazing day of my life!! Eveni and I originally planned to get married this August 30th but when we got the call on May 8th from WE tv's producers for David Tutera's Unveiled tv show they asked if we were willing to get married on April 12th we said yes and that was one of the best decisions of my life!!!! <3

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