25 April 2012

A College Station, Texas Engagement Session by Michelle B. Photographie

Engagement sessions are a time when you get to shoot with your wedding photographer for the very first time.. a time to relax, have fun, and get to know your photographer. It's also a time to show what makes you and your fiance so unique. I adore this Texas engagement session by the lovely Michelle B. Photographie. She did an incredible job capturing who these two love birds are as a couple. Thank you Michelle for sharing this session with me!

From the bride: We met almost 2 years ago during the summer while working in a trendy coffees shop in our college town. Most of the employees were gone since it was the dead of summer, so Kevin and I were always stuck with the early morning shift together - him as the barista and me as the baker. For hours, the shop would be empty, and work would be nonexistent, so we would talk across the espresso machine. He entranced me with his love for bold coffee, his adorable curly red hair, and his raspy, deep, melodic voice. He found my number on the employee schedule, and we started a string of texts that portrayed the romance of Jane Austen and the wit of Shakespeare in modern day. Within a month, we were an official item. We have since been on a wonderful romp of romance over the past 2 years. God has given me an intelligent, wise, handsome, charming man whom I don't deserve. June 23 can't come fast enough!

The proposal:
Kevin is a master manipulator. He played puppet master to my mind and convinced me he wouldn't be proposing for another few months after he actually did. He was planning an epic date night to celebrate our year and a half anniversary. I wasn't suspicious because Kevin is the type of romantic who puts out the effort to make wonderful dates. He picked me up from my home, dressed so handsomely for our evening. We walked outside and in my driveway was one of Kevin's roommates and groomsmen standing beside the car, smoking a cigarette with the orange glow of the butt shining in the dark. Brian, our chauffeur, was dressed in a suit and driver's cap and asked to be referred to as Jeeves. He opened our door for us and drove us to a quaint place where we could have a nice dinner. He basically took a roundabout way to their apartment. Upon arrival at the apartment, Jeeves (Brian) opened our door for us at the curb and we proceeded up the stairs. Waiting at the top was another of Kevin's roommates, Zach, in black slacks, a white dress shirt, and a bow tie. In his arm was the beloved pet, Max, a buff rat terrier who was wearing a bow tie for the special occasion. Inside the apartment, the guys had created a faux restaurant in the living room. It was lit by candle light, flowers graced the table, and the TV monitor had a YouTube video simulation of a fireplace playing. These guys are in college, so a real fireplace was out of the question. Our waiters, Zach and the dog max, served us our favorite wine with the dish we love to make together: tortellini pasta with pesto. Post dinner, Kevin drank a port wine and I had a classic hard cider. Kevin then serenaded me with his guitar by singing and playing our song, The Scientist by Coldplay, and my favorite song, Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol. I cried at this part of the night more than any other, just because that's the effect he has on me. And no, I still wasn't thinking he was going to propose. That's just how awesome he is at all times. We then were whisked away by Jeeves (Brian) to take a walk at our favorite scenery in the area - George HW Bush Presidential Library. We had walked there lots in the infancy of our relationship, talking, sharing our stories, and getting to know each other. It's even where we had our first kiss. In fact, we walked across the bridge where we had our first kiss, and he FAKE got down on one knee. After I gasped for breath, he exclaimed, "No I was just fixing my shoe!" So rude. The smallest ounce of home in my mind that this was the night he was going to propose was murdered by this. Who FAKE gets down on a knee besides Jim from The Office? I later learned this was just an action to manipulate my mind even more. Jeeves (Brian) took us to a place where we could warm up, which happened to be the coffee shop where we first met, and where our relationship started. Waiting for us in front of the coffee shop was Kevin's 3rd roommate and best man, Austin. Austin led us to the courtyard behind the shop to a table beneath a tree strung with glistening lights, where we had our first big relationship talk a year and a half ago. Inside the shop was packed. There had to be at least 60 college students studying that night and watching us. Staring more like it. Apparently news had gotten around inside that there was an engagement happening outside. Austin brought us our favorite coffee drinks as well as cheesecake, which is what we had on our first date at the coffee shop. We chatted beneath the glimmering tree, reminiscing about the past 18 months and giggling at the dozens of pairs of eyes staring at us from inside the coffee shop. Kevin then asked me what my favorite parts of the past year and a half have been. I said some sweet stuff, and so did he. He asked what my favorite date had been in all that time, and after my response, he said, "Well I hope this one tops them all." He pulled out a tiny box with a not so tiny ring inside and asked, "Becca, will you marry me?" I buried myself into him and hugged him while the crowd inside went wild. And of course, I said yes. His family had driven in from Austin to celebrate with us afterwards, as well as several other out of town friends and all sorts of loved ones from nearby. I will always be convinced Kevin's proposal to me surpasses any other by any man at any time in history. Needless to say, I am a lucky woman.

What he likes about her:
She's intriguing, yet simple, beautiful yet humble. She is thoughtful, yet transparent.

What she loves about him:
He is handsome and charming, wise and thoughtful, and ridiculously muscular. He is strong man of God who loves me in the midst of my beauty and my brokenness and loves other people dearly. He is my soul's counterpart and the source of so much of my happiness.

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