24 April 2012

A School Love Story by The Nixons

Anyone who knows me personally, knows that I love school. I would go to school, just for fun! So when I saw this engagement session by The Nixons, I got all giddy. She's an English teacher and he's a Spanish teacher and both are totally in love with one another. Thank you, Beth for sharing this engagement session with me!

Their love story:
Our love story, like all good books, took some time to develop. We met during Jade’s second year teaching high school Spanish and Karyn’s first year teaching high school English. When we first met, there was an immediate attraction, but we were both too shy to follow through. After a full year of flirting and hanging out with co-workers (who were all convinced that we were made for each other), we finally started dating during summer break. When we came back to school, we tried to keep our relationship a secret from our students since we like to keep our private lives separate from our professional lives. We quickly became the “hot” gossip of the student body (and the faculty) as the students loved to speculate whether or not we were really dating. We never actually admitted to our students that we were dating until we were engaged…after three years of their speculation. At that point, they basically just placated us, and admitted that we were old gossip at that point! However, they were really happy that we finally admitted it to them. Our engagement even got a feature in the yearbook as one of the biggest events of 2011, right alongside Kate Middleton and Prince William’s wedding!

The proposal:
Jade proposed on Karyn’s birthday. We had known for sometime that we would eventually get married, but had stopped talking about it for awhile. After a wonderful day that was only improved by some sweet gestures from Karyn’s students, Jade and Karyn went out with some co-workers. He initially had some elaborate plans to walk the labyrinth garden at a local church and propose at the center. After running into some friends, the afternoon became late evening, and Jade was worried that he was going to run out of time to propose on Karyn’s birthday. Meanwhile, Karyn was starting to wonder why Jade hadn’t even given her a card for her birthday! After he drove her home, she walked around the corner in her house and found him on one knee just a little before midnight. He simply stated, “Happy Birthday.” It was the best birthday present Karyn has ever received.

What he loves about her:
I love her strength of character, her determination and her dimples. She lets me know that I am loved when she gets that look in her eyes that almost says she sees something that no one else can see, though I know she is looking at me. Our passion for learning, family and exploring makes our love even stronger.

What she loves about him:
What do I not love? I love the way he makes me laugh—he seems quiet when you first meet him, but he is fiercely funny when you get to know him! I love how we can talk for hours or just sit and read or work for hours and be perfectly happy either way. I love how eager he is to explore the world with me. I love the way he challenges me intellectually and spiritually. I love how we help each other be a better person. Basically, I just love all of him. And, oh, did I mention his gorgeous eyes!?

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